Kat Stupski
Cyber Ethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers, encompassing user behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society
Patent- a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention
Copyright- the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same
Trademark- a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product
Fair Use- (in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder